Monday, January 8, 2024

Kohary Family Legacy Thrives: 5 Key Developments in Noble Lineage

The Princely House of Kohary, a historical and esteemed lineage, has undergone significant changes in recent years. The current state of this noble family is marked by a significant transfer of titles and styles, reflecting the evolving nature of royal and noble families. In a move that highlights the enduring legacy of the Kohary family, King Simeon II of Bulgaria issued an ukase in 2015, bestowing the title of Fürstin von Kohary upon his sister, Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria1. This significant decision not only recognized Princess Marie Louise's heritage but also ensured the continuation of the Kohary family's noble lineage through her descendants. The ukase also granted the title hereditarily to the children of Princess Marie Louise's second marriage, solidifying the Kohary family's place in European nobility. The Kohary family's history, intertwined with that of European royal families, continues to captivate the public's imagination, making this development a significant event in the world of nobility1.
King Simeon II and Queen Margarita of Bulgaria with Princess Marie-Louise.

On 5 May 2015, King Simeon II issued an ukase from Vrana Palace. In this document, the king ceded the title of Fürstin von Kohary, with the style of Highness, to his sister Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria. 

Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
Princess Maria Antonia von Kohary.

In the ukase, His Majesty made reference to his and his sister's descent from Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and his wife Princess Maria Antonia von Kohary. Maria Antonia was the only surviving child of Count Ferenc József Koháry de Csábrág et Szitnya and his wife Countess Maria Antonia von Waldstein-Wartenberg. On 15 November 1815, Ferenc József was granted the title Fürst von Kohary by the Emperor of Austria. Two weeks later, on 30 November 1815, Ferenc József's daughter Maria Antonia married Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, son of Duke Franz of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld and Countess Augusta Reuß zu Ebersdorf. 

The wedding of Princess Maria Luisa and Bronislaw Chrobok. Photo (c) King Simeon II.

His Majesty decreed that the title is hereditary to the descendants of Princess Marie Louise by her second marriage to BronisÅ‚aw Chrobok, whom she married in 1969. The princess and Mr Chrobok have two children: Alexandra-Nadejda Chrobok (b.1970) and Pawel (Paul) Alastair Antoni Chrobok (b.1972). In 2001, Alexandra Chrobok married Jorge Champalimaud Raposo de Magalhães (b.1970); the couple have three children: Louis Raposo de Magalhães, Jeanne Raposo de Magalhães and Clémentine Raposo de Magalhães. Pawel Chrobok married Ariana Oliver Mas; the couple have two children: Maya Chrobok (b.2015) and Alexander-Ferdinand Chrobok (b.2017). As a result of this ukase, Alexandra Chrobok became Her Highness Alexandra Chrobok, Princess von Kohary, and Pawel Chrobok became His Highness Pawel Chrobok, Prince von Kohary. The grandchildren of Princess Marie Louise by her second marriage presumably also already bear the style and title His/Her Highness Prince(ss) von Kohary. 



As we conclude our exploration of the current state of the Princely House of Kohary, it is evident that the Kohary family's legacy continues to thrive. The recent developments in the family's lineage, including the transfer of titles and styles, underscore the enduring significance of noble families in European history. The Kohary family's history, intertwined with that of European royal families, serves as a testament to the power of family lineage and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. As we reflect on the Kohary family's journey, it is clear that their story is not only one of royal lineage but also of resilience and adaptability in the face of changing times.

As we bid farewell to this article, we hope that our readers have gained a deeper understanding of the Kohary family's remarkable history and its continued relevance in modern times. The Kohary family's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the enduring impact of noble families on European history. We encourage our readers to continue exploring the fascinating world of European nobility and to appreciate the rich cultural heritage that it embodies. The Kohary family's legacy serves as a beacon, illuminating the path for future generations to follow and honoring the rich history that has shaped their lineage. We wish the Kohary family continued success in their endeavors and look forward to continuing our exploration of the fascinating world of European nobility.

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